Saturday, March 2, 2013

How blessed we are when we least expect it!

I wasn't sure how to feel about this weekend earlier this week.  My daughter was invited to spend the weekend with her Mamaw, which she was excited and eager about.  My son was playing paintball with his dad, which they love.  I miss my children so much when they leave overnight; they rarely do this.  So it was strange to have them all gone for the day & my daughter gone for 2 nights. 

Today, however, I knew it was just my precious granddaughter and me with the house all to ourself.  I told my my husband last night that I wanted the weather to be nice so I could spend some time outdoors with her - she loves that so much.  When I woke this morning the sun was shining and it was cool, but still nice enough to be outside.  I was thrilled!

We spent the cooler part of the morning playing indoors - but I kept checking for it to be warm enough for her.  Then our adventure began!

Several days ago I noticed that some bulbs I planted in the fall were beginning to pop out of the ground.  I was eager to get the weeds and grass cleared so they could bloom!  Until they began peeking out a few days ago - I had not even known what I had planted.  My husband had brought a bag of bulbs home from a friend who had dug them up and wasn't planning to replant them.  I planted them last fall and waited.  Today, I hoped to get this weeding done while my sweet little explorer enjoyed the fresh air.  That led us to our first mission.

First, I had to fashion a gate to keep her on my porch.  She and I searched my hubby's shop & yard for just the perfect thing....we found the base to an old hollow, metal tube twin bed frame (the part that supports the mattress).  I had been using it to secure a raincover and wind barrier for the winter over the side of the cage my rabbit sleeps in.  Then in my hubby's shop I found a rope with a clip that would help secure it.  Now I could keep her on the porch so she could stay near me to play.

Next, as she played, I began unearthing God's little treasures he sent my way this week!  I was thrilled as I gently pulled weeds and grass to find so many soft tendrils and beautiful, little, purple clusters just pushing up from our hard Texas dirt.  I'd already checked with my neighbor and she said they are grape hyacinth!  I have never even seen a hyacinth growing, that I am aware of, so I had to proceed cautiously until I figured out what the leafy part of the plant looked like before it blossomed so I wouldn't pull the plants up.  It didn't take long to tell their long, tender, strands of green that I often found the flower just popping up from the center.  I am so excited - they are just beautiful.  And as I dug up weeds I kept finding more and more of these gorgeous, rich, purple clusters.

I wish my cell phone camera would do them justice - they are exquisite!

I had another wonderful treat as I turned to check on my li'l explorer I realized she was intently watching something sunning on the ground just outside her "gate".  I scooped up this frigid, little creature who was trying to warm himself and let her see - she was thrilled to watch him as he moved in my hand.  He had to make a narrow escape to my wandering Jew plant, where I placed him in the sun on one of the broad leaves, as she was ready to snatch him for playtime!

I also found a squiggly earth worm, which made her laugh.  I couldn't get a picture of this - but if only I could playback her amazing little giggle everytime I feel blue - I believe I could never feel sad again!!  Each sweet laugh reminds me of those precious moments when my own children were her age; those moments are far too fleeting!

After I'd rid one bed of most of the weeds, she was getting tired.  I brought her inside for lunch and a nap.  She was so funny watching her eat!  She was so tired, she would open her eyes, grab a piece of food, close her eyes to chew it, and then repeat the whole process again!  After a diaper change and a little snuggle time, she didn't offer even one protest at being laid down for her nap.

So sleepy!!

Oh if only, the sweetness of days like today could remain fresh in our memories everyday!  I just had to stop and thank our amazing Father for all the blessings he has rained into my life!